Comic Draw is an app especially made for the iPadPro for creating comics digitally. As a pro sequential artist I have found it to be very useful and easy to use for anyone who would like to get started quickly and easily producing comics from script to publishing.
1. Works Well With All Types Of Work Flows The first reason I love using Comic Draw is because it perfectly accommodates all types of workflows. You can begin typing up your script or you can pick a page template to get drawing. Once you start on your concept you can switch and edit between working on the art and the script simultaneously . You can also import images to work on as well.
2. Easy To Build Layouts
Comic Draw has tools which allows you to easily build up your page layouts. You can draw free hand, utilize the straight line, rectangle and elllipse too. There’s even a grid template which allows you to quickly pencil in frames.
3. Great For Digital Inking
Comic Draw has a large variety of customizable brushes and tones that you can use to polish your drawings. The paint bucket tool is especially useful for spotting blacks. There’s also a complete palette available for applying color.
4. Perfect For Lettering
The lettering mode of Comic Draw is especially useful. Not only can you type up your whole script in the app itself but you can breakdown the your script into panels, captions, dialogue and sound effects that you can easily drag onto your pages while viewing both at the same time!
5. Excellent For Publishing Prep
Comic Draw is a complete program for creating professional quality comics for print and digital upload. You can export files as high resolution PDFs, JPEGs, PNGs and PSD formats which allows you to further refine your work or adjust for other purposes. You can also upload your comic to Comic Connect, Comic Draw’s free supplemental app where you can publish your comic and be a part of a global community of creators who also showcase their work. Comic Draw costs $10.00 US but you can download the app for free and try it with full features before purchasing.
Comic Draw has made my production jump in leaps and bounds. It has never been easier to begin and complete ideas. I hope other artists and aspiring artists discover this app for themselves to start their comic today!
Special thanks to our official sponsor plasq! Please follow us on social media! @Prime_Vice @Plasq @ComicDrawApp @ComicConnect
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January 2025