Lettering is an imperative skill to master. When done well its just about invisible. When done wrong it will ruin the reader’s experience.
Comics combine the attributes of visual art and literature in a synergetic manner to convey a message. The words and and visual arts both play a role in creating a comprehensive reading experience that rely on both components to be complete.
When lettering your comics understand that it is as important and dramatic as the art itself.
Good lettering work does not stand out. The least noticeable, the better.
The Comic Draw app was specially designed with useful lettering capabilities. One of the best feature is that if your comic is in the typical format you can drag your dialog, captions & special effects directly onto your pages and adjust them accordingly. You can also quickly block in balloons, captions, titles & special effects so that you can get a feel for how much space it may take up in a panel.
When adding lettering elements pay attention to the flow of action. Create focal points for smooth reader flow. Lettering needs to guide the reader’s eyes through the page.
Sound Effects & onomatopoeias are fun ways to enhance the story’s impact.
When placing dialogue and captions make it so the reader is given a smooth visual path. Pay attention to the rhythm and direction of the page flow.
A particular attribute to comics lettering is that you can use them to make the reader feel the emotions of the characters. Manipulate components of your letters to convey emotional impact such changing the size and style of the type and choosing speech bubbles of different shapes.
A good comic panel shouldn’t have to rely on dialog to be generally understood. Cartooning is a universal language that can be understood globally. Lettering is a unique specialty of the comics medium that supplements comprehension. When done well it communicates nuances that are imperative to understand and enjoy the story.
Thank you for tuning into this week’s tutorial. I hope it has been helpful. Additionally Prime Vice Studios is available to help people on their comic creation journeys. Hire us for professional assistance at any level of your creative process. Check out the additional resources below for links to the references & materials used. Peace, Loso Special thanks to our official sponsor Plasq for providing the invaluable app Comic Draw! follow on us social media! @Prime_Vice #primevice @AnanyaVahal @Plasq @ComicDrawApp #comicdraw #startyourcomictoday @ComicConnect Additional Resources
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January 2025