The Comic Draw app features a built in sketchpad to quickly rough out your ideas and build upon them later.
Comic Draw has 3 distinct modes: Sketching, Inking/Coloring & Lettering. Today we will be focusing strictly on sketching.
You can tell you are in sketch mode when the pencil icon is highlighted in the top of the UI.
The Sketch Mode UI was designed with specific features that make it easy to only focus on sketching.
While in Sketch Mode you you will only be able to utilize the pencil group brushes opposed to the wide variety of screen tones, paints, and pen tools which available in the Inking/ Coloring Mode.
Sketch Mode mimics using a traditional pencil and paper to start your comics. It is common to use red, photo copy blue and of course black-grey pencils to start building your drawings. ![]()
You can use multiple layers to build your drawings. Use different colors to easily differentiate between the rougher to more refined lines.
Although your limited to only the pencil category you do have a wide variety of brushes that you can customize and add to. Including but limited to hard to soft lead pencils, mechanical, and charcoal.
Your pencil presets are saved. As you switch between modes your presets are preserved in their respective UIs.
Comic Draw also mimics the traditional use of tracing paper or drawing over light box. After finishing your sketch you can switch over to Inking/Coloring Mode by clicking on the the Pen icon at the top of the screen. Your sketches will then automatically configure to 50% opacity so that you can ink and color your pages.
Sketching is the foundation for working through ideas. Comic Draw is an excellent tool for making that pivotal part of the creation process accessible and fluid.
Thank you for tuning into this week’s tutorial. I hope this has been helpful for you on your comic journeys.
Check out the additional resources below for links to the references & materials I use. Peace, Loso special thanks to our official sponsor Plasq for providing the invaluable app Comic Draw! follow on us social media! @Prime_Vice #primevice @AnanyaVahal @Plasq @ComicDrawApp #comicdraw #startyourcomictoday @ComicConnect Additional Resources
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January 2025